Celebration of Colours
Kirsch Stein & Co, is a trusted partner to the manufacturers and retail buyers in South Africa as well countries outside our borders. We have dedicated sales agents travelling across the country to support our customers and gain valuable knowledge of new trends entering our market.
Our pricing is very competitive and we try and always support our customers at all levels. We stand by our product and provide all necessary detailed specs and information should it be requested.
We do rand based indenting for customers looking to partner with us on contracts. This allows our customers spend their time and effort on manufacturing knowing their fabric will arrive timeously in order for them to meet their customers’ demands.
We pride ourselves with delivery and the logistics surrounding that. We try and ensure the process of ordering fabric is hassle free and seamless as possible.
We always stay in touch with the latest fashion trends and bring them just in time to our customers. This is the reason why we attend the leading international exhibition Premiere Vision to select the fabrics, why we are constantly developing our own designs and replenishing our collections of suiting, shirting and trimmings.
Our goal is to bring the world’s fashion to your door, helping you create a unique style to enhance your individuality. We cut meters at both our Troye Street and Fordsburg branch so please feel free to step in and have a look.
At Kirsch Stein & Co we strive to visit and listen to our customers, form partnerships and help to promote honest and fair business practices. We stand by our product and will resolve any issues with exceptional levels of service.
Should any customers have complaints, we have an open door policy and our directors are always available to listen and provide solutions to ensure both parties can move forward.
Head Office:
011 492 3320/2/3
31 Lilian Road,
Fordsburg, Johannesburg,
South Africa

Fashion District Warehouse:
011 337 5400/1/2
53 Troye Street,
Central Johannesburg,
South Africa
© Copyright 2023 Kirsch Stein & Co. | Developed by Digital Briefcase.

Head Office:
011 492 3320/2/3
31 Lilian Road,
Fordsburg, Johannesburg,
South Africa
Head Office:
011 492 3320/2/3
31 Lilian Road,
Fordsburg, Johannesburg,
South Africa
Fashion District Warehouse:
011 337 5400/1/2
53 Troye Street,
Central Johannesburg,
South Africa
© Copyright 2022 Kirsch Stein & Co. | Developed by Digital Briefcase.